Yesterday started off with a nice cooling storm. We woke up around 7 and went to our quiet time. Breakfast was an interesting pasta dish with butter covered bread and summer sausage. Morning celebration is always fun, we greet the campers with high-fives and big smiles, getting them in return is the best. We sing silly songs and watch as the campers do fun activities. We were assigned our English groups and we were all looking forward to meeting them. I was extra excited because my team was the terrific turtles. As the groups of English classes began to fill up and the kids took a seat, I was already really happy about how things looked. My students were eager to learn about Michelle and I and they were very eager to learn English and about our country. Then as the classes ended the American team got a break. We all sat around talking or just walking and even some took this opportunity to take a quick nap. As the students were leaving their church group Bible studies and heading to the river, we were assigned as “lifeguards.” It’s funny because they didn’t even ask if we could swim or yet alone save a life if needed. The afternoon seemed to pass a lot quicker with the kids being here and having times to just relax. I enjoyed getting to know people within and outside of our team. The one thing that I remember about yesterday was the excitement the Ukrainians had with taking pictures. You’d be standing around talking and they’d just run up screaming flashing their cameras. That pretty much made my day. The day continued to pass very quickly. We had our afternoon English class later in the day and that was when my group really opened up. They wanted to ask so many questions, it was so fun! They asked about the number of stars we had on our flag in America, they asked if we liked to eat fast food (that’s like fine dining here). I loved it. Then it was time for REC. I think this is Chris Curran’s favorite time because he can get into his competitive side, which is always funny. The nightly worship came next. Again we greet the kids in two lines with high-fives and screams of excitement, the kids love it! The worship time is wonderful, even though there is a huge language barrier, seeing kids worship to ONE God in any language is a great site to see. My favorite part of the night was next, the Fl!P party. For all you Student Lifers, it’s similar to late night. Lots of cheers, dancing, REC team gets on stage, and more! The night is pretty much over after the FL!P party and the showers and rooms fill quickly. We just thank God for this awesome opportunity and this time that we get to be here serving Him and lifting His name higher. WE all are so thankful for the prayers. Mom thanks for praying the cold weather on us. Instead of 178, it’s only 100. We are eager to finish our call here and head home!
Sara Mattingly
American Team 3
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